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General FAQ

Q1. What is AllGoEasy?

AllGoEasy is a free platform for sharing and collating information on the physical accessibility of venues in Singapore. We want to provide accurate, detailed and authentic information on whether specific places such as a retail store or a cinema in a shopping mall has wheelchair-friendly features, and we greatly welcome your reviews, thoughts and comments. They are valuable additions to the consolidated store of knowledge and experience that would help all of us experience our interesting island nation alongside our wheelchair-using friends and family with greater confidence and ease.

Q2. How can AllGoEasy be useful to me?

We provide an increasingly comprehensive collection of physical accessibility information to an increasing number of places. It is a good way to conveniently store all your knowledge about the accessibility of places for future reference, help others with your information, and even request for more information if you need help.

If you are friends or family of a wheelchair-user, it would save you either the hassle of having to check out new places before bringing along your wheelchair-using friend or family, or reduce the chances of a potential disappointment, difficulties and stress should you arrive at the place and find it not wheelchair accessible.

If you are just a general member of the public, you can get a sense of satisfaction knowing that you have and will continue to make a tangible positive impact on others in society by dropping a review. At the same time, AllGoEasy can be a good platform for you to better understand the abilities and needs of the wheelchair-using community.

Q3. This platform sounds good. How can I begin to use it? Also, is it free?

Our application can be downloaded from the android app store (iOS coming soon!) In addition, you may access all the same information from our website. This way, you can experience our platform from the comforts of your bigger screens. At the same time, you can also conveniently upload your reviews using your phone while you are on the go.

Q4. How else can I access AllGoEasy?

The mobile application of AllGoEasy is currently available for Android (iOS coming soon!). In addition, you can go to our website to enter your reviews or access current uploaded information. There will be limited functionality on older versions and users who have the older versions are encouraged to use our web platform. The mobile application and the website are synced, so all information available on the mobile application is also available on the website.

Q5. I think this platform is useful and I like that it is provided free of charge! But will it be around in the long run? How are you making sure that this is all sustainable?

We plan to be here to stay! We started off with a grant from the Ministry of Social and Family Development, but as we do not plan to charge our platform users, we are looking into corporate funding, partnerships, and collaborations. If your company is interested in furthering this social cause, do drop us an email at

Accessibility FAQ

Q1. What do you mean by "physical accessibility"?

When one asks about the "accessibility" of a place or service, one is asking about whether everyone, including people with disabilities or other special needs are able to get to, use, and benefit from their desired system or entity.

For AllGoEasy, we are currently only focusing on the physical accessibility of places for wheelchair users. This means a built environment that is barrier-free and seamlessly connected, that allows persons of varying degrees of mobility to move around with ease in a particular place.

Q2. What are some features to look for while assessing accessibility?

Practically speaking features include, but not restricted to, those such as:

For more information about the general accessibility of buildings, pls refer to the Building & Construction Authority's Friendly Environment portal.

Technical FAQ

Q1. I get "Conflicting signature error" during install. How to fix it?

Pls try this:

Q2. The android app crashes often. Why?

Pls see if this helps:

If the above does not help you, pls drop us an email and describe the problem you faced. Thanks!
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